Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scrolls: Growth

I just wanted to talk a little about the new game from Mojang called scrolls. More specifically the decks involved in the the game. Today I want to talk about the deck Growth. This deck is a very fast, but squishy deck.

(The Growth player is on the right)

You can get out a couple of cards really quickly and would not need much resources to get a good field. One strength I found when playing this deck is the fact that the wolf cards and brother wolf can synchronize very well. Being able to get a creature out that can bring out more wolves to power up the wolf that has relentless (ability in the game to attack through all enemies in the same line, similar to the trample ability in Magic the Gathering). Then when combined with the wolf that can lower cool downs can really start to hit hard and very fast since the cool downs on the wolf creatures are only at 2.

(Not a good example of the wolf tactic, but the only thing I can find of a good growth field.)

All in all it is a very fast hitting deck that can hit hard given the right circumstances. Though very squishy can be buffed with some of the spells in the deck and healed by some of the structures with high health in this deck. Currently this is really the only deck I know and soon as I can understand the other decks I will try and explain them and even try to post deck lists.

Anyway that is all for now I hope you enjoyed reading, if you liked this post a comment below and if you have any opinions on this deck please let your opinion known in the comments below.

here is the link if you want to buy the game:

As always I hope you enjoyed your stay here at Madness

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