Thursday, May 2, 2013

League of Legends

You hear about League of Draven. Because I haven't what I have been playing is League of Legends and it is fun but damn does it get you mad.

YEEEEEAAAAAAH......there is a lot in this game that can make you angry, but its lots of fun with friends and a million times more hilarious.

Even when soloing this game is a lot of fun......enless your in elo hell, then I recommend going puibs or get a duo que partner because no one wants to deal with elo hell noobs.

Elo one likes you.

Anyway, I play a lot of Leagues and have a lot of fun with it, primarily I play solo mid characters but have a really good Shen and Nasus. I would love to post some videos on here of my gameplay and I would love you guys to give some tips on how to improve.

Anyway I this is just a little intro to League of Legends, I hope to do more this,blahblablahblablah.

I hope you enjoyed your stay in Madness.

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