Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Update and Galactic God

Hey guys it's me again, sorry for the very long absence I've been doing a lot of things recently and not enough time for TCG. I have been playing a ton of League of Legends and trying to get better and if you guys would like I could even post videos of my friends and I playing and you can give us tips on our game play and maybe we can show you some tips on how to play certain characters or find out tricks that you had not known previously.

Anyway sorry for the absence, I promise new decks will be coming soon. For now I would love to show you one of my favorite yugitubers Galactic God. He does a lot of amazing things for Yugioh, like duels, box openings, deck lists, etc. Here is one of his videos on a best of three game of Photon vs. Evilswarm.

Anyway go check him out he is a great guy and if you want to watch the rest of the best of three or want the deck list of the decks they are playing go check him out here:

OK guys and gals that is all for now, I appreciate the time you took to look at this post.

Please leave a comment below for any video you might want to see or any deck lists you might want.

Thanks to all of you again and as always I hope you enjoyed your stay in Madness.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

League of Legends

You hear about League of Draven. Because I haven't what I have been playing is League of Legends and it is fun but damn does it get you mad.

YEEEEEAAAAAAH......there is a lot in this game that can make you angry, but its lots of fun with friends and a million times more hilarious.

Even when soloing this game is a lot of fun......enless your in elo hell, then I recommend going puibs or get a duo que partner because no one wants to deal with elo hell noobs.

Elo one likes you.

Anyway, I play a lot of Leagues and have a lot of fun with it, primarily I play solo mid characters but have a really good Shen and Nasus. I would love to post some videos on here of my gameplay and I would love you guys to give some tips on how to improve.

Anyway I this is just a little intro to League of Legends, I hope to do more this,blahblablahblablah.

I hope you enjoyed your stay in Madness.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us

If you hadn't noticed I have been gone a long time. The reason.....this game.

This was probably the only thing I played for the last couple of weeks and it has been a fun and a little ragey I won't lie. The only problem I have with this game is that zoning is way too powerful in this game and that Deathstroke is probably the most annoying character to play against because most of his damn specials are all ranged and his character trait allows all his ranged attacks unblockable. 

Anyway all I have to say about this game is that it is probably the only fighting game that I am actually decent at and that you cannot stop my Green Lantern combos, you can try but you will fail. I also have been trying to learn Aquaman and Nightwing. Might I add that Aquaman is probably one of the most ridiculously good characters in this game and defintely will be high on the tier list once it comes out. 

Oh Aquaman we all made fun of you.
Now you are probably the most over powered character in game.

Anyway All I have to say that this is probably one of the funnest fighting games I have ever played (Mostly cause it's the only fighting game I can play) and that I will probably be playing this for quite a while and that I will probably be making more posts about this game and a game called League of Legends (But more on that later).

Don't worry though there are still deck lists that are coming out and I will add the explanations to the deck lists that I already posted. I also have plans to post videos on different cardfights and duels both irl and online. I also want to get some of my friends involved by making a video of their decks as well.

Well thats all for now I hope you enjoyed your stay at MADNESS.